March 13, 2017 Always Trust God

When you are sad. Trust God.

When you are glad. Trust God.

When you are confused. Trust God.

When you are doubtful. Have faith…Trust God.

When you can’t see your way. Trust God.

When you hurting and suffering. Trust God.

When you are waiting on God…Trust God.

When you have sinned…Repent, ask for forgiveness…and Trust God to forgive – and He will.

When you encounter a “Red Sea” moment in your life…Really Trust God!

When you are persecuted for your faith. Rejoice and Trust God.

When you get to the “wilderness” section of your life. Trust God.

When you get to the “desert” experience….Trust God.

When you are afraid…Remember, God is for you not against you. Trust God.

When you are weary and can’t keep climbing the mountain in your life…Rest a bit..but don’t quit. Trust God.

God carried me through the Refiner’s Fire…an 11 year journey of unspeakable suffering. He is faithful.

God carried carried me up a 37 year mountain climb, as I endured 37 years of suffering with a “thorn in my flesh”. He was faithful. And now, patiently waiting for the next blessing – the arrival of miracle 9!!!

For with God nothing shall be impossible…(Luke 1:37)

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